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Monday, 10 October 2011

Ork Jet Trukk

Ok, I have slowly (painfully slowly) begun work on an Ork army for WH40K. And despite my "desire" to have a simple build, I just can not work on army like this (with so much conversion potential) without having a go at making a very unique looking Waagh.

So I have begun with the two trukks that the list has in it. Both will be based on a jet engine from a Star Wars Pod-Racer model (the only good thing to come out of Phantom Menace). The first is depicted in the following photos. I did not have a clear idea for this conversion aside from wanting to make the trukks look like the large vehicle from the board game Thunder Road. It is a design ripped straight out of the Road Warrior, with a centrally mounted jet engine. I had also wanted to make the model's surfaces large enough to accomodate up to 12 or models but that plan has fallen a bit short. Ask me later....

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