They are intended to look as though an elevator behind the launch rails brings up the flier, and the carriage travels along a rail into the launch area. The central portion of the carriages need to be bulked out and thickened so that the carriage will ride fairly high on the launch rail. I will be mocking this up with foam core before I commence work on it. The first had to take the weight of a Caestus Assault ram and here it is. The next will have to accommodate a Thunderbolt Fighter. Both are well along and I will be adding some grating courtesy of some needle point plastic grids that I had picked up a few years ago.
Here are some WIP shots of the first carriage and the load it has to carry.
I have also started work on a pair of Carnifexes, a unit of Venomthropes, an Exocrine, and a Hive Crone (the last two of which just arrived). The urge to paint is still not there, but building has me totally in it's grip. Its some kind of progress at least.