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Sunday, 11 December 2016

Space Wolf Fire Raptor: Habrok

The last of the Forge World flyers to be completed (assembly-wise anyway). I was pleased to see that the size of my converted Storm Eagle has pretty much the same footprint as the Fire Raptor. Conversions like that, especially without another model as a reference, always concern me somewhat as I do not want an opposing to player to think that I would model for advantage on the table-top.

As is usual with my FW builds I screwed up and glued the guide rails to the backs of the side weapon pods. The end result is that the autocanons are locked pointing downwards. I can easily adjust this with some plasticard and magnets but in truth, that's the way I envision those canons being used primarily so I am good with it for  now.

As is usual there is a selection of SW icons cast and added. I replaced the top hatch with the central image from the Grand Annulus ) from the floor of Logan's sleigh....seriously, a sleigh pulled by wolves...). The conversion looked rough but I am waiting until after the priming step to make the final adjustments.

So I will hopefully have the interest to go back to painting. What to paint now....didn't I say something before about Space Wolves? Anyway crappy pics as always....

Monday, 5 December 2016

Space Wolf Thunderhawk because it is current year.

A new project, just to keep the theme of the blog.

I was wanting to finish assembly on a few larger projects before the weather got too cold to prime models outside and I almost made it with this one....almost.

Anyway I had purchased a Thunderhawk model from e-bay years ago and to be honest, judging by the quality of the cast (i.e. poor) and the lowness of the cost, I think it may not be a FW original. Still work to do and all that. So I had to do a significant amount of repair and hiding work for some of the larger cracked pieces. I had decided that this ship would be a Space Wolf craft and have endeavoured to make it look like one.

I mounted the model using a piece of pvc piping and a t-junction piece that was trimmed down and sunk into the craft's underbelly, so this monster can plug into and out of it's base. Aside from the cockpit the interior will not be done or even visible as all doors will be glued shut. This was a decision I made based on the amount of work that would be required and it just does not compute for me. Besides the craft is modeled coming in with it's airbrakes slightly opened and the ailerons extended to slow the craft down...I know, like a flying brick needs something to disrupt it's aerodynamic curves.

The pictures are not great as the unprimed set were quickly snapped upstairs in the living room. The primed photos were taken in the basement with a poor attempt at better lighting. Oddly this project is starting to get me in the mood to get back to painting Wolves. I want to complete a major army this year and it will either be Wolves, Eldar or Nids. Wolves have the most progress and they are the nearest and dearest to my heart so they look likely. Another consequence of this build however is that I have a Fire Raptor that has been sitting for about a year, so I am going to assemble that beast before I break out the brushes.

So yeah, this happened for no reason at all. I am consistent in my inconsistency.

Now the mostly primed shots.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Reaver Titan (Legio Gryphonicus): fml

So no photos as this was rather heartbreaking and infuriatingly stupid of me at the same time.

I managed to do a mass priming of the Reaver Titan parts that I had assembled. I pretty much had everything ready for priming barring the weapons themselves. So I had quite large stack of model parts to transport. Long story short, laziness and stupidity wins, I tried to carry them all at once using a flat surface, and I dropped the whole leg assembly down the basement stairs. It was one of those moments where you realize something shitty is happening and it plays out in slow mo for your enjoyment. So I watched numerous toes and pistons and broken joint collars spin around the basement floor.

Now I have enough experience with modelling that I am confident that I can repair the damage. It was not a whole flight of stairs at least. It is just frustrating that a better decision on my part would have avoided this. So yeah, there it is. The next update will be more positive. I just felt a need to share. Not wanting sympathy, just sharing.


Sunday, 23 October 2016

Reaver Titan (Legio Gryphonicus): Reaver Legs and Base

So after mindlessly assembling Eldar for a few weeks I got hold of myself again and thought abut what I wanted to do next. technically from a while back, my plan was to do a regular 40K project then to do one of my FW large models. I had just finished the Space Wolf project, then jumped into the Gothic stuff which did not meet the terms of the original plan. So in order to refocus myself I have decided to start work on the Reaver titan while I still remember roughly how I painted the Warhound.

I will also need a a name for this titan model too. So far it's waist is at the top of the Warhound in terms of height. While the price tag is scary enough, just the sheer size of this thing is at the limit that I am willing to have. A warlord is definitely out of the question...unless I built my own. Which will never happen.

Anyway below are shots of the Reaver's legs and base.

The various pistons on the Reavers legs and hips are a rather tedious part of the build. I will caution you, if you are planning on assembling one yourself, that you attach the waist pistons as you glue the waist together. It is a pain to get them in there later.

I did the toe pistons one at a time, initially only gluing them to the toe socket by having them in place as the glue dried. the back leg was difficult as it is in the process of stepping and required some bracing to keep the feet and toes in their proper places.

The shin armour assembly recommended that you glue the supports into place as you glue the armour into place. I did not do this, then found the armour support brackets did not line up with their attachment points on the lower part of the legs. However I solved this with a cup of hot, microwaved water.

Caution: Heating water in the microwave can be dangerous as water in a clean, featureless container can super-heat without boiling, and then simultaneously boil once it is disturbed. This translates roughly into it being possible for water heated in a microwave to superheat and erupt out of the cup when you pick it up. Look at your water as it heats up. If you see it boil you should be find. As a precaution a wooden splint can serve as a nucleation point for the boiling bubbles to form, so place one in the water be fore you heat it up in the microwave.

Anyway by immersing both armour pieces together and letting them heat up, they both become quite flexible. You can then place them on their attachment points and adjust their shapes to better conform to where they will be placed. Note that it important to fit both halves of the armour at the same time. they need to line up properly at the front of the leg and this is best achieved with both sides being fitted at the same time.

And so it begins...

The base was made with a hard board circle from a cable roll and part of a grid from a fluorescent light. I originally was going to do a full grid using an insect screen but opted instead for panels of plasticard to fill it in. Since the Reaver is taking a step forward I made the base a stepped two level. The addition of random techie bits fills in the base and brings it in line with the Warhound's base.

A shot just to show the scale of this model.

Placing the feet and determining how the toes will be positioned.

An Eldar diversion....for a few weeks anyway

Remember when i was working on BFG stuff? Me neither apparently.

The models sit in silent vigil over my work station as I allow my attention to go while. I almost called it my focus but as will be seen, that word is not appropriate.

First off I was asked to bring out the Eldar for the weekly gaming group as no one else was using them. I did not want to as I knew that my attention would become rather elf-centric. And lo that is what happened. I worked on a converted set of Shining Spears, assembled two more Dire Avenger units, assembled a unit of Wraithblades with axe and shield, assembled a Shuriken canon toting Wraithlord, and finally dramatically posed my FW Wraithseer.

The first shots show how I cut up the Wraithlord legs to reposition them for a few more posing options.

The Wraithblades were also extensively reworked to give them more dynamic and threatening poses.

The primed Wraithlord is an old assembly from a few years ago. Not really happy withit now but too lazy to change it.

The Wraithseer is just too boring in it's stock pose so mine is ready to fight but is casting a psychic power.

The Eldar are now on hold, Check the next post to see why. Squirrel!

Only the Wraithlord and Wraithblades are included below:

Monday, 19 September 2016

Battlefleet Gothic: Thousand Sons Chaos Fleet

Just a fun little diversion into my favorite specialist game ever created by GW. I am toying with the idea of getting back into this game system and have started by rousing my chaos and imperial fleets. I am trying to keep the paint jobs quick and simple....right.

I had painted up a 1500 pt imperial fleet that I used in a local tournament years ago. I modeled the fleet after the book 'Execution Hour' by Gordon Rennie, a fun read. I had since added a retribution class battleship but that work dates back years.

I am painting up a Planet Killer in TS colors. Despite the fluff there was only ever one built and it was reported destroyed towards  the end of the Gothic war, though it's hulk was never recovered....unless it was. Maybe, I don't know.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Launch Bay: Ready to play

And I have achieved the state of "good enough" and the table is ready to be used. Will probably get a game on it this week. It may also see some action as a Necromunda board as well but those are plans for another time.

Now what do I work on? I am probably going to force myself to complete unfinished projects that were started. There is still a lot of Space Wolf stuff that has been assembled and primed. But then again...

Anyway a few shots of the completed board with the light kits in and working. The board needs a few touch ups and weathering but it is effectively ready to go.