This is probably not the best solution but it is the one I focused on for whatever reason. I would like to add a few more restraining posts that will hold the lighting strip more flush with the back wall just to hide the natural bends in the lighting strip.
This was a package of flexible lighting from Christmas several years back. The strip had an adhesive strip but since I did not want to permanently attach the lighting strip I covered the adhesive surface with masking tape.
I essentially created a series of small card shelves and then closed off the front of the shelves to add more support for these pieces. I had to leave at least 0.6 mm below the shelves to accommodate the closed launch bay doors piece as it will slide underneath these.
An additional minor complication is that the one mostly-completed closed bay doors piece that I have is warped due to the gluing and I was planning on adding foamcore strips to try to straighten them out. These will also add height so I now have a very narrow margin in which to work. Still at least this piece is in about the 90%-done range. I have also included some test shots of the piece lit up. I have a lot to do on the central building but this piece will see primer by this Spring.